The Bloomsbury Association and Holborn Community Association invite you to join the discussion on the proposal to form a Bloomsbury and Holborn Neighbourhood Forum, constituted under the Localism Act 2011 and to agree a boundary.
Royal National Hotel,
Woburn Place
Edward Room, (use South entrance)
Why does it matter? The Localism Act gives powers for Neighbourhood Forums to spend a percentage of the money taken in from developers by Camden within the area in which the developmet takes place. Our money spent in our area and not way off in the north of Camden.
The Bloomsbury Association and Holborn Community Association want to know what you think about the proposed boundary - you can see the map on the Holborn Voice website. What do you think? Too big? Too small? Not in the right place? The final agreed boundary will be submitted to Camden Council for approval in 2014.
Click here to view the Bloombsbury Association’s documents.
Input is welcomed from anyone who has a interest in the future of Bloomsbury and Holborn: residents, businesses and institutions. You'll be asked to consider if a larger organisation/ neighbourhood forum would be of benefit; resources and expertise could be pooled. The proposed forum is also currently consulting with existing neighbourhood associations.
You'll be asked to consider if a larger organisation/ neighbourhood forum would be of benefit; resources and expertise could be pooled.
Click here to se the map of the 'Proposed Area for Bloomsbury & Holborn Neighbourhood Forum'.
Each association would retain autonomy within their respective 'zones' which would be agreed and mapped. Any community financial benefits, e.g. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) would be retained within the zone that the development took place.
It is estimated that by about 2017/18 the benefit from Community Infrastructure levy (CIL) to Camden as a whole will be in the region of £7/8M per annum, with 25% of that (currently proposed by government) made available to the Neighbourhood Forum in the area that the development took place (if one exists).