1A ARTS etc's funding is threatened over the next few months. London Borough of
This leaves 1A ARTS etc with a funding gap. Can you help us mind the gap?
1A ARTS etc provides services for children, young people and adults of all ages. Please donate today. It's quick and easy. EITHER 'Google Virgin Money Giving' and search for 1A ARTS etc on the home page OR donate by post or in person to the address below.
If you are a UK tax payer, you can add 28% to the value of your donation
through Gift Aid. For donations by post or in person you will need to complete the
short Gift Aid declaration which is on the back of this newsletter.
1A ARTS etc needs to raise £15,000 by the end of December to keep our services
running. If 375 people give up their cappuccinos and lattes for one month and
donate this amount to 1A ARTS etc you can easily help us to reach this target.
1A ARTS etc provides:
• Holiday playschemes - high-quality learning experiences, friendship and a
safe play environment for local children
• After-school arts activities giving children and young people the opportunity
to explore their creativity and develop social skills
• Workshops and courses for young people provide valuable learning
opportunities and open up possibilities when statutory youth services are
being cut and closed
• Volunteering programme for young people equips them with skills,
training and experience which are valuable for their CVs and gives them
the confidence to cope with an increasingly challenging jobs market
• Services for older people offer excellent opportunities to get creative with
visual arts including pottery
Help 1A ARTS etc to keep delivering quality local services for local people. Donate
The 1A Centre 1A Rosebery Avenue London EC1R 4SR
T: 020 7837 3332 M: 07870 197 834
www.1a-arts-etc.co.uk info@1a-arts-etc.co.uk