Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, was appointed as Police and Crime Commissioner for London in May 2012. A key part of his role is to produce a Police and Crime Plan which sets out what the Mayor thinks the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) should be doing to tackle the issues that are important to Londoners.
Have your say on London's Police and Crime Plan and complete a short questionnaire by 6th March 2013. The purpose of the questionnaire is to gather the views of people who live, travel and work in London, particularly those who have been affected by crime. Your views will inform the final version and future revisions of the Police and Crime Plan.
Click this link for the online questionnaire. The questions are about your response to, and your ideas about the draft Police and Crime Plan. You should read the draft plan before answering the questionnaire. Click here for a pdf of the draft plan.
If you are unable to complete the questionnaire online, please call 020 7202 0205 to request a paper copy, or to take part by telephone questionnaire.